Should you Work With a Buyer’s Agent or a Builder in Nolensville, TN
An unrepresented buyer is often disadvantaged in the real estate transaction process if they are not using an experienced real estate professional. It could be compared to going to represent yourself in a court case worth hundreds of thousands of dollars… and not bringing a lawyer to the table. Realtors are licensed and trained specifically to handle the many types of issues which can arise in the home buying process.
All REALTORS® must adhere to a strict Code of Ethics, which is based on professionalism and protection of the public. The Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice are promises from a REALTOR® to the public that they can expect honest and ethical treatment in all transaction-related matters when dealing with a real estate agent who is also a REALTOR®. Only REALTORS® pledge to abide by the Code of Ethics, and only REALTORS® are held accountable for their ethical behavior.
Many home buyers simply drive up to a new subdivision and negotiate directly with a builder. Here are several reasons why you shouldn’t.
A buyer’s agent represents the buyer’s best interest and helps guide a buyer through every step of the transaction with the least degree of hassle and frustration. A buyer’s agent’s only goal is to get the buyer the most value for the least money. Their purpose isn’t to just drive you around to look at properties (though they do, of course!): their real value comes a little later in the process, during negotiating and working through the legal and safety issues.
Buyer Representation
Always remember one thing: the builder representative is a salesperson to the builder, and is there primarily to represent the builder’s interest in the transaction. They may look and sound like a real estate agent there to help you: but their loyalty is to the builder.
When a buyer deals directly with the builder’s representative and not a buyer’s agent (and therefore saving the builder the cost of a buyer’s agent), you are essentially paying the builder to not represent your interests. Real estate agents are licensed professionals bound by law and strict professional ethics and policies to work for the individual who signs with them.
In essence: would you rather have a builder to represent their own interests, or a buyer’s agent REALTOR® to represent yours?
Negotiation Assistance
Buyer negotiations without an agent are simply not effective. There are some incentives that are customary and typical with new construction homes. A Realtor will assist in financing, writing the offer, inspections, warranties, appraisals, titles, surveys, closing cost items and many others.
A buyer’s agent REALTOR® handles ALL of these concerns, asking the questions a buyer working alone with a builder might not know to ask, and ensures that their client gets the best items for the least cost.
New Construction Inspections
If you are working with a buyer’s agent, they will generally always insist on and manage inspections. Why?
Most new construction properties have a number of new home defects which can dramatically impact livability and resale value. Builder representatives are rarely likely to insist on or to manage proper third party inspections. Having a buyer’s agent on-hand to manage this part of the process alone can save new home buyers as much as the cost of an agent’s commission, and completely justifies a buyer’s agent involvement in the transaction.
Buyers are often under the mistaken assumption that a home warranty will take care of all these issues.
Buyer Agent Cost – No cost to you!
The buyer’s agent commission is paid for by the builder automatically and the builder’s have already incorporated this fee in to the cost of the home. Why not take advantage of the (FREE) representation that is already paid for on their behalf.
To learn more about New Construction Homes for Sale in Nolensville, TN give Mike with Southern Living Realty Partners a call at 615-499-6827 or simply fill out he form below with any questions.