Mike Shrader of eXp Realty

Tips to Staging the Outside of Your Home

Are you considering putting your Murfreesboro home up for sale, but not sure where you should start? Worried that it will take to long to sell, or you won’t get the price you’re looking for? Here are several tips to make sure that won’t happen to you.
In order to be an accomplished seller you need to look at the outside and inside of your home. Here are a few tips for the outside.
Take a look from the street to see what potential buyer’s see when driving up to your home. Be aware of any negative impact they may get outside of the house. Is the landscaping not maintained, peeling paint, siding issues, etc. They’re first impression is going to be the home has not been well maintained as a whole. Even if you have taken the time and money to freshen up the interior, you could already have lost the buyer as they drive up.
A fresh application of ground cover whether it’s mulch, rocks, etc. can go a long way way. Plant some fresh vibrant flowers and potted plants along the entry way of your home. Don’t forget the backyard. While it’s not part of the first impression it’ a part of the home most homeowners spend a lot of time in. Use the same landscaping tip’s as the front of the home and possibly add some new lawn furniture or accessories.
Lastly don’t worry about the several thousand dollars it may take to get the exterior ready to sell, you will get it all back when your home sells at the price point you want with a shorter marketing time.

Tips to Staging the Outside of Your Home

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